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What is Distracted Driving?

It is important to understand that distracted driving is anything that takes your attention away from driving for a period of time. This can include eating, texting, applying makeup, attending to a crying baby, emails, social media and many other distractions.


There are three main types of distracted driving 


1. Visual: Taking your eyes of the road


2. Manual: Taking your hands off of the wheel 


3. Cognitive: Taking your mind off of driving 


Texting and driving becomes the deadliest and the largest cause of distracted driving accedents because it combines all three types of distractions 



Things to Consider.

  • In less than 5 seconds a vehicle  that is traveling at 55MPH will travel 100 yards, this is the length of a football field. 


  • More than a 1,000 people are injured and 9 people die each day from distracted divers.


  • Texting while driving is 6X more likely to cause an accident than drinking and driving  


  • 94% of teens admit to being distracted by their cell phones while driving 






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